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World Challenge Ecuador Summer 2011 - Stephanie Clarke

Our aim of course is to challenge ourselves, broaden our horizons and have a fantastic time as a team but it is also to give back to the world what we can. We will be supporting eco-tourism ventures in Ecuador and the Amazon but we are also carrying out vital project work, our projects are focusing on the conservation and preservation of the vibrant and vital Amazon Rainforest as well as indigenous communities in the rainforest who's day to day lives can be transformed by the improvement of their facilities.
As vital to the expedition as our enthusiasm is the fundraising to get us there, so please, before you leave this page, consider joining up to easyfundraising and raise money while you do your normal online shop or contact me at [email protected] for opportunities in sponsorship or for upcoming event details.
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As well as raising funds, easysearch also gives you the best search results available on web. Today, the Internet is so big that different search engines will often deliver different results for the same search. So, by combining the strengths of several search engines together - Yahoo!, MIVA, and many more - you get the very best results in terms of accuracy and relevance, which means you'll find what you're looking for quickly and easily every time - all in one 'easy' search!

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